Spring time. One thing that we love to do here is go fishing for lake Superior rainbow trout, or steelhead. The rainbow trout enter the rivers that feed lake Superior in April and May. It’s a great time to consider putting some wild fish up for use throughout the year. Since we began pressure canning our own trout and salmon, we haven’t purchased any canned salmon or trout. Such a simple recipe. The only trick is learning how to catch the fish yourself. Having this resource pretty much right in our backyard is amazing.
Gut, behead and clean your fish. Remove the fins. Cut the fish into steaks about 1.5 – 2 inches thick. Place the steaks into 250ml widemouth canning jars. Add 1/2 teaspoon of coarse pickling salt to each jar (optional but tasty). Get your pressure canner going as per instructions. Once up to pressure, in our case, 11 pounds, maintain pressure for 100 minutes.
Use this trout/salmon as you would any other type of canned salmon.