We heat primarily with wood. Our wood stove does a great job of heating the 1600 sq feet of living space we have. On those cold mornings in the middle of winter, the last thing we want is trouble getting the fire stoked and roaring to heat things up. Fire starters are a great way to get things burning quickly. Problem is, though, they can be expensive. Luckily, they’re simple things to make with items you likely have sitting around the house anyways. Sawdust, dryer lint and candle wax are the main ingredients.
DIY Firelighters – Fire Starters From Repurposed Materials
[amazon_link asins=’B00138MO16,B0103AI74C,B008ASB9SG’ template=’ProductCarousel’ store=’dansbois-20′ marketplace=’CA’ link_id=”]You will need:
Egg Cartons Saw dust or wood shavings or dryer lint Old candles, or any type of wax Tin cans Old stove top pot Water Heat source
Place your tin cans inside your old pots with about an inch of water in the pot. Fill the cans with broken up bits of candle wax and heat until entirely melted.

Cut the top and the closing flap off of your egg cartons.

Place your egg cartons on an old tray of some sort. Hot wax will leak through the egg cartons, so make sure you are working on a surface that can handle hot wax.
Fill your egg cartons with saw dust, wood shavings, dryer lint, etc.

Carefully pour the hot wax into each cell of your egg cartons to cover the contents.

Use the bottom of a separate egg carton to mash down the mixture of wax and combustibles.

Repeat steps 4, 5 & 6 until each cell in the egg cartons is filled
Allow to cool and harden for 2 hours or so.
Cut each cell free to create individual fire starters

Light a fire to test out your fire lighters!
[amazon_link asins=’B00138MO16,B0103AI74C,B008ASB9SG’ template=’ProductCarousel’ store=’dansbois-20′ marketplace=’CA’ link_id=”]
